Thursday 14 June 2012

Review of EOS Candy Eye Grey circle lenses from

Review of EOS Candy Eye Grey circle lenses from

Diameter: 14.50mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Type: 1 Year Disposal
Price: $22.90
They come with a FREE super cute animal lens case 
So I received my lenses in the post today. Omg I actually love them. I would say the best circle lenses I’ve had so far :3 and I’ve tried a few. They are more natural than most lenses as they don’t have a pattern yet they have a thick limbal ring which make your eyes pop, my mum hates my lenses but she said these ones were nicer because they looked more natural
Enlargement - 8/10 - I wouldn’t say these are the biggest lenses I’ve had, but I don’t mind, I don’t want really  giant weird alien eyes and they were still gave an enlargement, the ring especially makes your eyes appear bigger
Here’s a comparison with my eye naturally (the right) and with the lens in
Design 10/10 - for me the simpler design is what makes the so great, they don’t make my eyes look too unnatural with the random patterns lenses sometimes have, which some people may prefer, but I liked them being plain! And the ring is lovely and thick as you can see in the photo below 
Colour - 10/10 - for me the colour is perfect because my eyes are naturally grey, if you have brown eyes or dark eyes, I don’t think these are the lenses for you as the colour is quite… I think transparent is the word, it’s not thick either, so it won’t cover your eyes completely i feel and may look unnatural. However if you have blue/grey eyes it’s perfect as it blends really well and looks natural. If you have dark eyes you could try these lenses in a brown colour, I think it would look lovely!
However any circle lenses will do the job to make your eyes bigger and dolly like, so if these arn’t the lenses for you, take a browse of (the banner on my page)  Pinky Paradise has:
1.       Great choices600 plus choices of circle lenses, ranging from natural series, enlarging series to cosplay series)
2.       Ready stocks. Products will be shipped out in 1-3 days.
3.       More than just circle lenses. PP also carries lashes, mascara, facial mask to BB cream and etc
4.       PinkyParadise is ‘your eye make up one-stop online beauty store’
Before buying any lenses please check out their wear and care guide 
You are best advised to consult your eye doctor before wearing any contact lens. It is your responsibilities to minimize the risk of wearing lenses. Kindly please read the wear & care guide carefully to ensure proper handling of lenses (which is provided in the website). The rule of thumb for your eye safety is, if you experience any discomfort, please remove the lens immediately.”
That’s about it, if you have any other questions please ask ^_^

Sunday 22 April 2012

Right now I'm sitting on my sofa watching super sweet sixteen and blogging. Pretty boring day, it's raining and all my friends are busy so I've been sitting in doing nothing, apart from I took my dog for a walk. Yesterday I worked which was boring and I found out my friend from work is leaving :( nooo, this has made me determined  to get a new part time job ASAP as I'm really not enjoying my job atm...

Yesterday I was browsing jobs in London randomly and I came across a big sweet shop in London which sells candy from all round the world, it looked sooo cute!  What was even better was they are looking for university students and as I will be at university studying in London from September it honestly looks like the perfect job for me. I'm going to apply as soon as I finish college and pray I get an interview and the job! Then I'll quit my job. It pays £6 an hour and you do 5 hour a day, 3 days a week in term time and more in the holidays. It honestly looks perfect for me so please everyone keep your fingers crossed, they hire all year so I'm really really hoping n_n. Whats even better is I will get better pay in this job as I do more hours and will be able to save for my trip to Japan next year ( I need £800 by Decemember!) 
So my goal are
  • revise for exams
  • try and do my best in exams
  • apply for candy shop job
  • save up for japan
  • start uni and get on with it and be happy!
I can really see a new life for me starting this summer and I'm so excited :)

I get paid this week so I'm looking foward to fun times with my friends, cinema and food and drunk times! I'm also going to be doing a huge sell of clothes I'm not really into anymore because I want to order stuff off taobao, everything is really cute and cheap on the website just wdhfh <3 only thing is its all very expensive to ship. So I think if i sell clothes I dont wear anymore, I feel less bad about spending so much aha.

I've done nothing this weekend, apart from work, but my easter holidays was so busy that it's nice just to sit down, watch crap TV and relax.

My mum's in Vegas atm and I miss her a lot! Oh and my dad haha. She said she's gonna get me prezzies though bless her, she text me yesterday asking if I liked Sailor moon, so I was like omg omg, cos I'm convinced shes gonna get me something cute and Sailor moon themed! Speaking of Sailor Moon, I need to get my costume for MCM sorted, I'm going as Serena and I'm looking for costumes online atm and I've sorted out how to do my hair, it's gonna be so exciting n___n

eeeep anyway I'm gonna go now, have a nice day!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I've been super busy with college starting. Ugh not gonna lie it hasn't been great to be back, I'm in realisation that I've only going a couple of months left at college and exams are starting, from now on life is going to be stressful till July. :( Tomorrow I have my English mock,  do language and literature and the exam is 2 hours and 45 minutes long, it's going to be awful. In the exam we have three texts with similar themes and we have to compare the texts, through looking at the different opinion each writer has on the theme through analysing the language they use and then we have another piece of journalism which we have to adapt into some other form of text/speech and then write a commentary on our adaptation. It's long and painful and I do not want to do it haha.

In other news my parents are flying off to Las Vegas tomorrow, lucky sods. My uncle's and auntie are like, re-newing their marriage or something there lol. But I'm so jealous, I love America and have never been to Vegas so I'd love to go ;.;.  Ugh right now my cat keeps coming into my room, staring at me and meowing it's so creepy I keep shouting at her, I'm a bad mumma cat ha.

Today was nice, I started it at 7 ._. I went to college and it was raining so much it was horrid. I had psychology first which was cool, I just finished up the nature vs nurture pack and found it kinda fun (I'm a loser lol) and then I had a free so me, Josh, Luke, Chris & Jonathan played the logo game hahaha, it's this amazing game which is really addictive where you have a load of logo's and you have to guess the name of them, some of them are really hard :c then I had form and after my sister picked me up and we went to look at tattoo places to get our tattoos done :3. We checked out this one place which we both didn't get a good vibe from, we didn't see a lot of the woman's work and she didn't seem very interested in doing it, plus she reminded me of Angela from Catfish which isn't good hahaha. But then we checked out Seven Sins, in my hometown Horley and checked out the guy's tattoo designs and they were all so gorgeous, plus the girl in there was so much more politer and friendlier, and my tattoo was quoted cheaper! So we booked our tattoos for the 24th of May, a day after my 18th ahhhh! I'm so excited but scared of the pain waaaaaaah.

This is my tattoo design.

I'm getting Bambi in the frame instead of out though. I designed it myself, but a lovely girl drew it up for me, she also drew my sister's :3

My sister is my half sister, and this is the surname of her grandad who has died, I think it's beautiful.

We're getting our tattoos done at the same time in the same room which is exciting hahaa, we'll be holding hands as it's both our first tattoo eek!

Anyway after that I went to my bestest friend in the world's house Annie's! Oh god when we're together it's just mental, we do the weirdest shit, we had an hour ~sofa dance where we pretended we were in cages and danced like freaks to the stupidest music ahahah it was hilarious. Hahahaa I love her, everything is just funny with her, I loved this afternoon :3.

Then I had a chinese with my family, oooh god it was soooo good, egg fried rice, sweet and sour sauce, chicken curry and spring rolls mdiosdidjhgdigfghf perfect. I've also had Ayden on the phone who has tried to persuade me that he has bought a baby dolphin and is keeping it in his bath -_- this is like the mole incident again, he's such a wind up!!

Anywaaaaaaaaaay, I'm gonna go nowwww aw byeee exoxooxxo

Sunday 15 April 2012

Today has been pretty boring,  I woke up at Ayden's after he started going "Jess!" "Jess!!!!" -__- then he took me home because he was going to Camden early with a mate. After that I changed my blog around completely,   it took me ages but I'm proud of it because it looks pretty and I did a lot of HTML work on it yay n__n however people were telling me the theme messed up with them wah.
Then I did a lot of psychology homework, I had English too but I figured I'd bunk English and do that tomorrow. I seriously am not capable of concentrating at home, I get so distracted!

After that I met up with Lydia and Annie and we went to the pub with Andrew, James, Dan, Ollie and Nick. Some random German guy came over and was like "Hi can I sit with you." At first I thought he'd been dared to come over and pretend to be German but noooo aha, he was there by himself and was backpacking around Europe! Pretty cool, he was in our town 'cos it's near the airport and he's travelling to Manchester tomorrow. Andrew got us drinks because me, Annie and Lydia arn't 18 but we got kicked out 'cos someone came over and asked for ID wah!
Then me, Annie and Lydia went to the kebab place and they got burgers and onion rings but I already ate, m a huge roast so I didn't get anything.

Now I'm at home dreeeeading college tomorrow, wondering whether I should wear my contacts and fake eyelashes or not bother as it's just college. I'm probably gonna go watch some Nana and go to beddie byes. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh waking up at 7 tomorrow no !!
This Easter holidays was so cute, my favorite day was going to Chessington World of Adventures with my sister's it was just suuuch a lovely day n___n

Anyway have a lame photo of meee today

And I'm gonna gooooo bye bye <333

Saturday 14 April 2012

Tired =.=

Hello everyone!
I've literally just got back in from work and I'm super duper tired :(. I was up at 5am to get a lift with my mum in as she works in the airport too, and started work at 7, it was gross. Work was okay, I won't go on about it a lot because it's boring haha. I was in a cranky mood all day though and really didn't feel like talking to customers so I probably wasn't as enthusiastic as I should be. My lunch was yummy though, I had a tuna sandwich, sensation crisps and a diet coke mmmmm n____n. All I was doing all day was getting stock from the stock room and putting it out 'cos we got so much stuff from the delivery yesterday, it was so boring! I didn't sell a lot so I won't get a lot of commission, wahhhh! (If you don't know I work in a electronics shop at the aiport once a week, we sell things like cameras, apple products, gaming products, travel accessories ect)  As I work at an airport, I speak to a lot of foreign people and it honestly amazes me how so many of them can speak in English so fluently. And how many of us with English as our first language don't bother learning another one. I really want to learn another language. I think either Spanish or Japanese. Spanish because like half of my family are Spanish and they speak fluent English but it would be fun to talk to them in Spanish haha. And Japanese so I can understand the anime without subs! 

. Tonight I think I'm driving up to Heathrow Aiport with my mum to drop my Uncle, Auntie and cousins off as they're going back to Australia. I would love to visit Australia, it seems like a beautiful place, but the thought of all the bugs creeps me out >.<. The I think I'm gonna see Ayden for a bittttttt, maybe stay the night at his. Gonna try and persuade him to go to tesco to get us some yummy food and then make him watch Studio Ghibli with me. I wanna watch Kiki's Delivery Service.

Tomorrow is the last day of the Easter Holidays, noooooooooooo!!! :( And as usual I've left like 3/4 of my homework till last minute. I have three English essays to write and 2 psychology packs to fill out, ooooops :( and I've realised I've got my mock English A-level exam Thursday, ugh it's gonna be horrible. And I freaked out last night because I realised my Film Studies retake is in a month :'( gah exams. But I've decided I'm gonna be fully motivated from now on, University is months a way and I need at least ABB to get in. So yeah lots of homework to do tomorrow, but I've also got to help my friend Nicole for her photography and my other friend Andrew is having a gathering in the evening for his 18th, so nooo idea if I'll do it all wah.

Oh and I forgot to mention, me and Lydia have finally planned our 18th properly YAAAY ^___^ its on the 1st of June (a day before her birthday and about 8 days after mine) and it's just gonna be like a hall party with our friends and family it should be lovely. No idea what to wear yet though.

I realised I haven't posted any photos today so have this one from the party the other day and look at how short I am hahaha :P (the blonde one with the white cardi thing if you can't tell)

Anyway have a nice day guys n____n

Thursday 12 April 2012

Today was wonderful! I overslept =_= but managed to get ready quickly and meet Shanny at Horley and we trecked to London. First we went to Camden and what did we do first? We got a chinese ;) look at out chinese's they're sooo beautiful. Mine is on the right, I had egg fried rice, chicken curry, sweet and sour chicken, bang bang chicken and spring rolls mmmm, so lovely. We felt so fat after though, Shanny's tummy hurt! 
I had about £20 to spend, so I went to this shop that sells lolita dresses and other Japanese clothes, and I bought this pretty shirt. It's really gorgeous, and the lolita dresses are about £30 -£50 so I will be going back for more yaaaay.

So then we wondered around Camden but then decided to go to China Town. We heard about the  purikura booths and really wanted to go in one, we eventually found one located in the market up the escalator, at first we were like wtf is this place hahaa there was just loads of Asian kids sitting on sofas, but we found the guy who ran it and got some done... ill post a few :-))

and my personal favorite...

hahahahah! I think we totally look like the couple in the photo lmao! Anyway, to get the photos printed cost £8 and the nice man sent them to us through email for free :) it's sooo fun to do! we spent about 2 hours doing it cos we took 36 photos haha, seriously so much fun.!
After that we wondered round China Town for a bit, looking at the amazing Asian food... look at these cakes!  
Sigh so yummy. After a while Shanny started to feel really ill so we got some pocky and went home... now I've started to feel ill so thanks shanny -_- huge headache

This evening I've just been chatting to people and trying to make myself not feel illllll ugh. I had an argument with this boy I've been on-off with for a year and half because he got pissed off with me because at a party another guy tried to get with me but I was so drunk I didn't realise. Apparently I shouldn't be stupid enough to get so drunk. I fail to see how this is my fault, I didn't even react to the guy and I was drinking the same amount as my friends. I hope we'll work it out but I'm not apoligising for it, grr.

Anyway now it's 20 to 1 am and I'm probably not going to bed I'm probably going to watch the anime Nana, 'cos it's so good!
But yeah, have a nice day/evening/night/whatever 

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Here are some photos from last night! before drinking...
and after...!
Hahaha I love annie's smile! 

We were taking photos of each others reactions whilst doing vodka shots, hahaha
and this is my favorite photo of the night...
it's when me and Annie snuck into the closet and played with the brooms... I have no idea why O.o